I checked the Accusparc distributor in my RN a couple of weeks ago. It is installed into the Lucas dynamo. The other distributor is what what was originally installed. The Accusparc distributor has run for about 1250 Miles. seems ok to me.
29-05-2018, 09:37 PM (This post was last modified: 30-05-2018, 02:11 PM by Peter Naulls.)
I'm not clear if you have a new Accuspark distributor or a rebuilt original?
I had 2 new distributor drive gears fail (on a rebuilt Lucas unit) in a very low mileage last year - on account of them not being hardened. I've now replaced with a decent original and had no further problems.
Following on from a previous post, I just checked the accuspark distributor today, the grease was very grey and I feared the worst and I wiped this off, looks to be some uniform wear, something is going on, I have probably only done a few hundred miles since fitting.
I replaced the original Lucas dizzy as I was fed up with rotor arm problems (riding up the shaft), the dizzy had been fully re-built by Distributor Doctor (at quite an expense), went back twice under warranty, replaced worn bushes (having only done tens of miles - so did they actually renew these or were these inadequate), and DD's only solution to prevent the rotor arm from riding this up was to glue this in position, really, the last straw was i noted that the oiler was not actually doing anything...
So, when the accuspark distributor came along (I had already fitted the accuspark ignition module in the Lucas dizzy) it seemed an ideal opportunity to cut my losses on the DD re-built dizzy and fit a new one.
I am now wondering if it will be possible to simply swap over an original gear for the new one, will the shaft be the same diameter??? What are the betting odds?
Here are the pictures of the greyed up grease along with the cleaned gear, I have re-packed with fresh grease. I am not hopeful that this will be a suitable remedy, but will have to do short-term.
I would suggest that the greying of the grease is down to aluminium, most likely from the thrust face between gear and body, provided this is not wearing too quickly there won't be a problem. Obviously the original body's were steel so wear would have been negligible, just keep an eye on end float in the shaft.